What is a community/feral cat?
A community cat is a cat that lives outdoors and does not have a particular home or owner. They may be friendly or, in some cases, feral(not socialized with people) these cats typically depend on humans for food, whether it is a neighborhood caretaker, dumpster, or other source.
What is trap neuter vaccinate return(TNVR)?
TNVR is not only humane but is the most effective method of controlling feral/community cat population growth. TNVR benefits the cats and the community. Using this technique community/feral cats living outside are trapped, neutered, left ear tipped, rabies vaccinated, and then returned to their outdoor home.

Information & cost to bring your feral cat to Operation: SNIP
Bringing community/feral cats in for surgery:
Please call ahead to schedule an appointment for a Thursday at this time.
- Drop off is from 7-8 am (limited to 20 cats)
- Pick up is between 3-4 pm
Thanks to a grant from FLORIDA ANIMAL FRIEND Operation: SNIP was able to spay/neuter 625 community cats!
THE COST FOR FERAL/COMMUNITY CATS Female or Male $80, CAT MUST COME IN A HUMANE TRAP AND WILL RECEIVE A LEFT EAR TIP. RABIES VACCINATION and a dose of Revolution to help keep them healthy! Revolution protects against fleas and heartworm disease. Revolution is also a treatment and will control hookworms, roundworms, ear mites, and scabies!
Cats must be brought in a humane trap, one cat per trap. Trap rentals are available at 727-595-1983.
The fee is $20 per trap and proceeds go into fix Pinellas.
This program is for TNVR cats ONLY!